In the Collect Earth survey I have two dropdown menus side by side and they don't quite fit. Which part of the balloon.html I should fix to make the balloon itself and dropdown menus wider?

thanks, Ulpu

asked 30 Jan '17, 14:32

ulpu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Ulpu,

If you open the CEP file with a compression application like WinRAR or WInZIP, you can see the contents of it (as a CEP file is just a ZIP file that has a different extension)

One of the files within the CEP file is called balloon.html . You should modify this HTML or the CSS files (styling files) that are contained inside earthFiles/css/earth.css

After you modify the files, you should save it again and then open the CEP file again through Collect Earth in order for the KML that is opened by Google Earth to be updated with the new styling.

Of course, if you export the CEP file through Collect again you will need to copy over the changes made in the previous CEP file so that the new one would have the same layout!

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answered 30 Jan '17, 15:16

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Dear OFT,

Following up to the above discussion, I have a similar problem. In a multiple entity with 3 attributes (1 is key, 2 is required by the user, 3 is calculated, and all needed to be seen), the 2nd and 3rd attributes are overlayed each other in the question card, in a way that the 2nd attribute field (i.e. the arrow of the dropdown list) is partly covered by the 3rd.

How am I going to fix this? If the solution is with adjusting the css file, which part of it shall I adjust?



p.s. I tried to upload a screenshot but I couldn't do it.

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answered 23 Feb '18, 08:55

itzam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

can you send a link to your screenshot? (maybe upload to imgurl. dropbox. google drive ... )

(23 Feb '18, 10:22) Open Foris ♦♦ Open%20Foris's gravatar image
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question asked: 30 Jan '17, 14:32

question was seen: 3,528 times

last updated: 23 Feb '18, 10:27