
when trying to make Calc run my calculations, I receive the following error in Step 2 "Create aggregate tables" (see below, [...] resembles same error msgs for different variables).

Any idea what could be the error?

Best regards,


Error in 'Create aggregate tables' org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException: SQL [create table "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_plot_agg" as select "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_id", coalesce("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."tree_timberquality_code_id", '-1') as "tree_timberquality_code_id_", coalesce("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."plot_terrain_code_id", '-1') as "plot_terrain_code_id_", [...] coalesce("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."point_landcover1_code_id", '-1') as "point_landcover1_code_id_", coalesce("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."tree_class_code_id", '-1') as "tree_class_code_id_", coalesce("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."species_georgia_id", '-1') as "species_georgia_id", coalesce("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."species_georgia_genus_id", '-1') as "species_georgia_genus_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."_administrative_unit_satyeo_ubani_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."_administrative_unit_satyeo_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."_administrative_unit_kvartarli_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."weight", sum(case when "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area" <> 0 then ("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."tree_basal_area" / "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area") else 0 end) as "tree_basal_area", sum(case when "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area" <> 0 then ("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."tree_volume" / "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area") else 0 end) as "tree_volume", sum(case when "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area" <> 0 then ("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."dbh_class10" / "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area") else 0 end) as "dbh_class10", sum(case when "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area" <> 0 then ("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."tree_h_d" / "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area") else 0 end) as "tree_h_d", sum(case when "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area" <> 0 then ("nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."tree_count_n" / "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_area") else 0 end) as "tree_count_n" from "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact" group by "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."plot_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."tree_timberquality_code_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."plot_terrain_code_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."plot_groundvegetation_code_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."tree_future_code_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."tree_fact"."stand_origin_code_id", [...] "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."species_georgia_genus_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."_administrative_unit_satyeo_ubani_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."_administrative_unit_satyeo_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."_administrative_unit_kvartarli_id", "nfa_fmi_dedoplistskaro"."_tree_fact"."weight"]; FEHLER: Operator existiert nicht: boolean / double precision Hint: Kein Operator stimmt mit dem angegebenen Namen und den Argumenttypen überein. Sie müssen möglicherweise ausdrückliche Typumwandlungen hinzufügen. Position: 4449 at org.jooq.impl.Utils.translate(Utils.java:1288) at org.jooq.impl.DefaultExecuteContext.sqlException(DefaultExecuteContext.java:495) at org.jooq.impl.AbstractQuery.execute(AbstractQuery.java:327) at org.jooq.impl.DefaultDSLContext.execute(DefaultDSLContext.java:492) at org.openforis.calc.psql.ExecutablePsqlPart.execute(ExecutablePsqlPart.java:21) at org.openforis.calc.chain.post.CreateAggregateTablesTask.createSamplingUnitAggregateTable(CreateAggregateTablesTask.java:299) at org.openforis.calc.chain.post.CreateAggregateTablesTask.execute(CreateAggregateTablesTask.java:71) at org.openforis.calc.engine.Worker.run(Worker.java:75) at org.openforis.calc.engine.Job.execute(Job.java:92) at org.openforis.calc.engine.Worker.run(Worker.java:75) at org.openforis.calc.engine.Job.run(Job.java:78) at org.openforis.calc.engine.TaskManager$1.run(TaskManager.java:254) at org.springframework.core.task.SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor$ConcurrencyThrottlingRunnable.run(SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.java:251) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: Operator existiert nicht: boolean / double precision Hint: Kein Operator stimmt mit dem angegebenen Namen und den Argumenttypen überein. Sie müssen möglicherweise ausdrückliche Typumwandlungen hinzufügen. Position: 4449 at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2103) at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(QueryExecutorImpl.java:1836) at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(QueryExecutorImpl.java:257) at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:512) at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:388) at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:381) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement.execute(DelegatingPreparedStatement.java:172) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement.execute(DelegatingPreparedStatement.java:172) at org.jooq.tools.jdbc.DefaultPreparedStatement.execute(DefaultPreparedStatement.java:194) at org.jooq.impl.AbstractQuery.execute(AbstractQuery.java:382) at org.jooq.impl.AbstractQuery.execute(AbstractQuery.java:323) ... 11 more

asked 27 Feb '17, 12:50

wexxo's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Hi Alex,

make sure the column join you set for the AOI is the same type of the AOI table you import. For example, when importing the AOI table, select the right type of the column (maybe integer or real). that column must have the same type of the one in your entity table (you select that into the last step during the up of the sampling design). Try to re-import the AOI table with the correct column type.

Please let me know if that helps.

Thanks, Mino

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answered 27 Feb '17, 14:40

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Hi Jos,

thanks for you comments; i will try to add those items into a next release.

regarding the join that depends on how you set them up; make sure you selected the right columns.

You can try to share your survey, because it's quite hard to see what is the problem from your comments.

Thank you, Mino

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answered 22 May '17, 11:07

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Hi Mino,

thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, it didn't help (or I didn't understand it correctly). What I did is: I checked the variable type for the code (variable) in the survey which I want to use to define the join. It is the compartment ID, which was set to "real". After that I checked the AOI file (which includes three levels, level 3 code is the column which I want to use here for the join) and set it to "real". After updating the AOI, the join produced the same error.

I don't know if I got it right.

Thanks again for your help!


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answered 27 Feb '17, 15:51

wexxo's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Hi Alex,

what is the datatype of the compartmentID in the collect survey? Sorry to ask you again, but it's not clear if it's a code variable or real.

Thank you Mino

ps which version of Calc are you using?

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answered 27 Feb '17, 16:21

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Dear Mino,

thanks for your help. I finally managed to get the join done. Updating to the latest version (Calc 2.1-a9) and making sure the join columns contain the same type of variable solved the issue. However, I noticed, when dealing with this aoi problem (i.e. updating aoi file), I had to delete the entire Calc workspace and start from scratch.

Thanks again!


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answered 01 Mar '17, 16:00

wexxo's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Dear Alex,

Glad to hear the updating to the newest version of Calc resolved the problems.

It's strange that you had to delete the entire workspace in order to make it work; it's the first time such thing has been reported. I will have a deep look into this and will try to reproduce this error.

Thanks for letting us know your feedback,


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answered 03 Mar '17, 08:50

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

I have also again this same problem (in the past many times struggling with the AOI): even if accepted at first later in aggregation phase the AOI seems not all right. I remember that exporting the workspace and importing it again it solved the problem... this time not yet. I suggest that the buttons in the sampling design: 1) show also the data types of the join table and 2) for te AOI: that besides/instead the figure also the table is shown (with data types of the columns. Joseph

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answered 22 May '17, 06:38

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 27 Feb '17, 12:50

question was seen: 6,057 times

last updated: 22 May '17, 11:07