Hello Team,

I have designed a survey to collect information such as object location, diameter, source and date of base imagery within each sample grid. The problem however is that within each sample grid, there could be multiple objects (example image) hence the need for multiple point registration.

How can I customise my survey design to do this?

asked 24 Oct '18, 15:51

stellaOA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Stella,

The survey as it looks now would allow you to record the scar diameter BUT the location of the scar is actually the coordinates of the center of the plot.

If you want to record multiple scars and know exactly their coordinates you will need to copy these coordinates by hand and have a location attribute per scar.

alt text

Since I am not sure if you want to have the coordinates per scar, I just assume that you want to recod only the diameter of the different scars found inside of the plot. The result would be something like this:

alt text

See CEP file HERE

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answered 25 Oct '18, 17:16

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

We don't have a great mechanism to have a variable number of attributes or entities...

So the easiest solution would be to have multiple forms that are basically a copy of each other in which at the end you would have a checkbox asking if there are more objects, if you click on it then it would open the new form for the next object.

The limitation with this is that you would need to pre-establish a maximum amount of objects...

Share your survey and we can make a first draft of how that would look

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answered 24 Oct '18, 16:05

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

Thanks for your prompt response. Please see the attached .CEP of my survey. Currently, I am able to register one object only within a sample grid. After clicking submit, I am unable to register more objects within that same grid and the map zooms/pans to the next.

When I preview the collected data in the spatialite database, I get XY records of the exact point I registered the marker. I want to be able to get multiple XY coordinates (as well as form attribute) for every other object of interest within the sample grid.

It will be great if this is possible with the multiple forms option. Thanks again!

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answered 25 Oct '18, 16:50

stellaOA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Indeed, the XY coordinates were for the plot's centroid; the values remained the same regardless where I clicked within the plot. Here's the new development given your suggestion from previous responses. This will definitely fit my purpose.


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answered 06 Nov '18, 14:04

stellaOA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 24 Oct '18, 15:51

question was seen: 2,843 times

last updated: 06 Nov '18, 14:04