I downloaded collect earth and tried to install it but not accepted , but I use the operating system Windows 10. not know how to overcome this problem

asked 26 May '16, 14:47

Credencio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Credencio,

Collect Earth is usually installed in Windows 10 without problems... Could you check that it really was not installed correctly?

I am not a Windows 10 user but I understand that the Collect Earth launcher becomes a bit hidden on the start menu. Maybe you can try searching for it??

Otherwise did you receive any specific error message? Can you explain a bit more the problem?

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answered 27 May '16, 21:33

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 26 May '16, 14:47

question was seen: 3,017 times

last updated: 27 May '16, 21:33